Falling into Morrighan’s Arms…….

As we are starting the shift into a new season, we will be witnessing the death of nature all around us. Some insects die as the weather turns cold, plants dry up and spread their seeds, while the trees pull in their sap and let go of all of their recent growth from the previous year.

Have you ever felt that your life follows that same timeline? Fall begins and you are ready to let go of the need to push ahead and accomplish goals. You would rather relax and take some time off, just like nature does all around you.

We can really harness the current seasonal shift of earth energy to help us release old patterns and ways of living that aren’t for our highest good any longer. To do this, you can call on the Celtic Goddess, Morrighan, the Goddess of Death and Magic. Honor her and place some black crystals on your altar or burn a candle/incense to her each day. She works with Ravens/Crows, so if you have some flying around, sit and chat with them. She will help you identify anything that you need to die to so that you can transform into a higher vibrational you!

I encourage you to flow with the energy of Mother Earth and tap into the spiritual help available to you from the Other Realm. May your August be blessed with flow and abundance!


Nelle Mack


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