Into the Unknown with your Intuition as your Guide....

Do you feel the shift in the 3d realm as Spring comes in with full force? As you view the green leaves bursting forth on the tree branches, do you feel the correlation with where your life is going at the moment? Do the fragrant blossoms waft towards your nose, speaking of the sweetness of life and of the beauty that surrounds you?

Take time to breathe in the beauty around you and see the value you have created on the planet. You are so loved and so important. You have a destiny and a reason for being here. See the beauty that you are and how you can give that beauty to others in love. You can then move forward from a place of confidence and love….

We are stepping into the unknown part of the year. The time when new growth just happens, and we have no clue how we will transform by the end of the summer. One thing we can know, is that our Intuition is speaking to us and guiding us forward. Listen to it. Notice the small Voice telling you to go a certain way or talk to a certain person. Trust it and own it.

We can call upon Crow Spirit Animal to help us tap into our intuition and step into the unknown. Crow spirit animal teaches us many things such as: developing the power of inner sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic. It connects you with life’s mysteries, adaptability, and flexibility. Crow will help you develop the ability to perceive subtle shifts of energy within yourself and the environment.

Take some time outside and call in a crow to talk with. Or just ask Crow Spirit to surround you and help you. Either way, your life will benefit from his guidance.

Let the spring energy start some momentum for the path ahead and move forward in trust and belief in your brightest future! Be sure to ground and bring in love to Gaia. We are all in this together and the planet needs us to help heal the world!


Nelle Mack

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