About Me

Mission Statement

My SOUL purpose is to assist people who are ready to work on healing themselves, as well as assist healers who are ready to grow, learn, and integrate new healing modalities into their business.

As a home-schooling mom of 5 beautiful souls, i have dedicated most of my life to them, plus my amazing husband of 18 years, Andy. We are a pretty magikal family and are the best of friends. Along with my tiger cat spirit animal, Perry, my life is pretty full of love.

I began my awakening in 2018. It was a long year, but so worth it in the grand scheme of things. As I opened my mind and heart to believe that anything was possible, it all became possible. The more I opened myself as a channel for the divine, the greater connection I was able to establish.

I began early on, establishing protective energy around my home and person. It started expanding out and before long, I was providing these services to other people. My passion to make healing easy and quick, led to my Sapphirestar Codes debuting online.

As children ususally do, my kid’s spiritual gifts were very strong, and I was finally able to understand them and help them with protection and clearing their energy. I am passionate about helping not only children, but all empaths, sensitive people, and star children find their way in the 3d.

I have developed many other healing modalities over the last few years. I love sharing about them and how they can transform lives.

After publishing my fairy fantasy novel, ancient paths, I am planning the rest of the series.

working with Others, helping them heal and learn to be healers, is my passion. Please reach out if you resonate with my energy, and let’s see what I can do to help you along your journey!