Brigid School of Wizardry & Witchcraft Pack

Brigid School of Wizardry & Witchcraft Pack


Get ready to propel your Child into the world of Magic! Our Packs each contain a Deity, Fantastic Creature and 2 Spells to guide them along their journey!

A crystal is required for this pack, and you can use one you already have! The energies are programmed onto the crystal by your child, and your child receives the healing and support 24/7!

Here are the energies that are included in this pack!


Brigid is an Ancient Celtic Goddess who was born from the Tuatha de Danaan, or the Fairies. Some of her magic includes healing, control of the weather and environment, and foretelling the future.

Magicus Exsolvo Spell

Are you ready to be Magical? Did you know that every single part of you is Magical? It’s time to let your Magic flow and make the world a different place!

Femina Antecessoris Spell

This spell allows you to work with your Female Ancestors and get to know them. It brings them into your Space for a healing as you connect with them!

Salamander Fantastic Creature

Salamander is a Fire Elemental, meaning it protects and lives in Fire.

Their energy can be: Wild, Bold, Energizing, Illuminating and Commanding.

Work with Salamander Fire Spirit when you feel alive being around fire, and want to draw in the above energies into your life!

Crystal Programming Code

This is a one-time use code to program your energies onto the crystal.

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