Weight Loss Code

Weight Loss Code


This is considered a MEGA code and is chocked full of so much support to help you shed the physical and emotional weight that your body holds on to. All organs are supported and flushed of toxins. Hormones are supported. Lymphatic and Digestive systems are supported and called into action. Electrolyte support helps keep your body balanced. Vibrations to help you eat healthy, drink water, and keep moving are infused as well. Plant energy that helps metabolism is called in to support healthy release of weight. Crystal support is infused in the bubble to help bring in the light and allow the release of old energy. Issues regarding being seen, hiding beneath weight, self sabotage, hiding who you are, hopelessness, procrastination, and many other issues are cleared by Subconscious and Violet Flame Energy. This Code helps release old energy so you can effectively start shedding emotional and physical weight.

Programmable for Continuous Running on a crystal (Quartz is great, but other crystals are fine) if you prefer to not have to call in the energy daily. Please purchase Crystal Program Code here: Crystal Program Code. (Many codes can be programmed onto 1 crystal) This Code can be used for Yourself, Your Children under the age of 18 and Your Spouse/Partner.

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