Violet Light Vortex

Violet Light Vortex


This code was channeled to me to help raise the vibrations of the planet in a    powerful way.

The Violet Light Vortex brings in the combined energy of St. Germaine, Lady Portia, AA Zadkiel, Aphrodite, Mary Magdalene, AA Chamuel and Lady Charity, with Violet Flame Dragons!

Their lightning energy is brought in through Glastonbury Tor and Stonehenge, filling the Earth’s Crystalline Grid with pure Violet Light. Everything on the planet, down to each atom and molecule is filled with this light.

It then fills our electro magnetic field, and heads out to Venus, the Cosmic Heart of the Universe, and Sirius, the planet of Christ Consciousness. Sirius sends it to Regulus, which amplifies and filters love, sending it to our hearts on Earth.

This energy heralds Christ Consciousness and Divine Feminine Love. The Violet Light creates a vortex on the planet, repelling lower energies.


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Gold & Silver Violet Flame Code
