Foundation of Light Course Base

Foundation of Light Course Base


This is the base course work for the Foundations of Light Course. It includes information about the Healing Modality, Angel Aurora Element and Ray Attunement, and the codes to use for healing for the first 7 Healing Rays of the Rainbow. You will receive a link to the Course video to watch.

You can also purchase Pack 2 which contains the 6 Higher Light Ray colors, and the Element Pack, which includes Codes and information for the 5 Elements. They can be purchased separately or in 1 combined pack for less. All those are found on this page.

After completing the Class, you will be doing a private session with me, to walk through the process of doing a Foundations of Light Session, and then will receive your Certificate.

You will receive your course pack to download via email after purchase.

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Foundation of Light Element Pack

FOL 2.jpg

Foundation of Light Pack 2~Higher Rays


Foundations of Light Full Course Pack
