Inner Child Code

Inner Child Code


As children, we experience many situations that can lead to Inner Child wounds. Trauma, Abuse, Fear, Bullying...the list is endless. The Angels say it is time to heal these wounds and let loose your inner child-like wonder, playfulness and belief in Magik and Miracles.

This Code works by clearing relationships, situations, trauma, etc. from all lives-past and present– that contributed to Inner Child Wounding. Your karma, DNA, emotions, and Subconscious are cleared of these issues and blockages. Soul fragments that were lost during these woundings, are brought back into your soul via your heart to re-integrate and you are supported by Mother Mary during this process.

Baby Unicorns surround you to help renew your child-like wonder and happiness. All this is done at a rate of clearing that will not overwhelm you. Layers are cleared over time.

Programmable for Continuous Running on a crystal (Quartz is great, but other crystals are fine) if you prefer to not have to call in the energy daily. Please purchase Crystal Program Code here: Crystal Program Code. (Many codes can be programmed onto 1 crystal) This Code can be used for Yourself, Your Children under the age of 18 and Your Spouse/Partner.

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