Agni Manitite Crystal

Agni Manitite Crystal


Agni Manitite, or Pearls of Fire,  were formed from a meteorite that crash landed in Indonesia. It is not of this world and  is hard to come by, as it is found solely underwater.

It activates the solar plexus chakra, raising your energy levels higher until you feel like it is smooth sailing ahead. As it raises your energy it will help with increased confidence of yourself and capabilities. Helps you step into the leadership role that you were sent here for.

 Programmable for Continuous Running on a crystal (Quartz is great, but other crystals are fine) if you prefer to not have to call in the energy daily. Please purchase Crystal Program Code here: Crystal Program Code. (Many codes can be programmed onto 1 crystal) This Code can be used for Yourself, Your Children under the age of 18 and Your Spouse/Partner.

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