Optimal Health Blueprints
Optimal Health Blueprints
Human DNA has been being spliced and upgraded for millennia. Over time, new blueprints have been made and Metatron has offered to us the Blueprints of the highest and most perfect design for our human bodies.
He has said there are many races and technologies who have donated to these perfect Blueprints. But what are they and what do they do?
So, we know that Blueprints are rather like building plans. They give instructions and directions for a most perfect building to be built. Optimal Health Blueprints act in the same way. They bring in from Metatron the best blueprints for our human bodies. These allow us to heal any DNA, genetic, or general health issues and live in optimal health.
Each Blueprint works with a specific body system to being new energies, upgrades, and vibrations to help those body parts operate at optimal health.
Metatron says that as soon as the health blueprints are downloaded into our bodies, they are imprinted and our bodies start working int that newer energy. He says they can be used every day, and the more you use, the quicker healing will happen.
Includes the following Blueprints:
Endocrine System
Immune System
Digestive System
Respiratory System
Urinary System
Reproductive System
Muscular System
Brain/Nervous System
You will receive an email with a document to download. Please do so within 24 hours of purchase. There are links in the document to download all your items!
You can get a discount on buying 2 or 3 packs at once as well. Once you purchase, I will email asking which packs you want and email them to you.