Elen Code

Elen Code


Bring in the Energy of Goddess Elen as you use this Code! She is also known as Elen of the Ways, Elen of the Hosts, and the Green Lady. She is a Celtic Goddess who is as old as time itself.

She guards the Ley Lines...the energy lines surrounding Earth. As the Goddess of Pathways and Discovery, she will lead you onto a journey of Self-Discovery in your dreams and in your physical and spiritual life. Follow her down ancient pathways to reveal the mysteries of the Ancient Forest where your heart resides.

Programmable for Continuous Running on a crystal (Quartz is great, but other crystals are fine) if you prefer to not have to call in the energy daily. Please purchase Crystal Program Code here: Crystal Program Code. (Many codes can be programmed onto 1 crystal) This Code can be used for Yourself, Your Children under the age of 18 and Your Spouse/Partner.

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