Project Starchild


Indigo Children were first identified in the 1970’s by a nurse who could see auras. She noticed that some babies being born had ‘royal-blue indigo’ auras, which was uncommon. As more was found out about them spiritually, we have found out that Indigos are curious, strong-willed people who have come to change things up in the 3D world. They are intuitive and can sense the energy around them. They are very curious about all things supernatural, and rarely just go along with the crown about anything. Many Indigos are diagnosed as ADHD.

Indigos are a new spiritual evolution of human being who come with a mission- that of changing how things are seen and done and making way for new ideas and concepts to enter the human consciousness.

Many indigos are parents of next wave Star children, such as crystal children.

Are you an Indigo Child?

Click here to book a Star Child Reading to find out.

Click here to shop my energy codes for Indigos.