Our School of Wizardry & witchcraft
Children are so powerful! So many are being born with their Spiritual Gifts wide open and are ready to move forward and learn about their Magic.
That is why I created this School of Wizardry & Witchcraft! It’s a simple way for them to start understanding Magic and using it. It will help them blossom into Full-Blown Magical Beings and take the world by storm!
The world is ready for Magic and our children are the next steps in the Spiritual Evolution of Gaia!
My Wizard/Witch Packs each contain an E-book format book explaining how the energy works and a base Spell which helps clear all karma and energy surrounding using our Magic. You will also need a crystal of some sort (Quartz is amazing) for your child to use in their pack. They will code this crystal with the Spells and Energies to keep the Magic running on them.
Each pack comes with a Deity to work with, and a Fantastic Creature to act as a Guide on their Magical Journey, plus a Spell, which will help empower them in a specific area.
My Energy Codes, which the whole pack is based on, is special to my Magic and brings in sealed energy from the many Deities, Spirit Animals, Crystals, Violet Flame, Herbs, and so much more. As they are programmed onto the crystal, the crystal holds these energies and directs them to Energy Body of the person it is programmed for. Easy Peasy energy healing and support!
You can also book a Spiritual Gift Reading with me and we can explore what your child’s gifts and strengths are! Click Here to Book.
I hope you enjoy these packs and all the Magic they bring in to your Child’s Life!